Friday, October 7, 2011

First Dream... or Nightmare?

     Alright, my first blog since I used during Operation Iraqi Freedom II (March 2004 - March 2005).  It's kind of ironic that I'm here in Iraq again, but this time it's Operation New Dawn and it's October 2011.  My previous blogs were mainly a dream log, and it's fitting that my first entry is about the first dream I remember having here in COS Kalsu (about 25 miles south of Baghdad).
     I should give some background information first before going into my dream.  I'm a Staff Sergeant in the Virginia Army National Guard, and I'm a vehicle commander of an M-RAP.  My unit's main focus is providing security for convoys in preparation of Coalition Forces finally leaving Iraq in the hands of its government.  My last deployment 7 years ago was filled with extravagant dreams that could each be turned into a novel or movie.  This time, I've been deployed in the Middle East since July 2011, but this is my first recollection of dreaming.
     I woke up today to my alarm fervently trying to get me to rise.  I go outside of my living quarters and smoke an Ishtar cigarette.  I still had a couple of hours before I had to report to work, so I decided to catch a nap before I had to leave the comfort of my room.  I set my alarm, and went back to sleep.  I'm really not a morning person, and when I get cozy in my bed, it's hell trying to get me up.  I hit snooze more than a couple of times, I even reset my alarm for a later time when I had enough - all just to squeeze in another minute.  Unfortunately, I didn't wake up at the time I had planned.
     This is where my dream comes into play.  We're driving down an Iraqi road with the sun brightly illuminating the sand and vegetation around us.  I notice that I'm not in my usual position in the convoy, and that my usual convoy commander is in the vehicle behind us.  I find that very strange...  As we're driving along, I notice that we start taking fire from behind us.  I look in my side-view mirror and realize that the vehicle is shooting at us!  The odd thing about it is that they're not shooting bullets, they're shooting red lasers!  In my dream, I really felt like Luke Skywalker piloting his X-Wing along the Death Star with Darth Vader hot on our tails in his TIE Fighter.  I tell my driver to perform evasive actions, and I was surprised to see that our clumsy vehicle was swaying back and forth like a suspended roller-coaster car and not rolling over!  My driver is swerving crazily dodging the laser beams, and I even yell at him to watch out for the palm trees.  The vehicle behind us fails to shoot us, and we finally reach base.
     When we pull in, the convoy commander for that mission pulls us all in for a briefing.  He asks one Soldier a general question, which is answered fairly easily.  Then he asks me, "SSG Parinas, where do you sleep?" I respond with my room number here at my home base.  Then he says, "No.  How do you know where to sleep when we get to the bases we're convoying to?"  I start to feel like they're all out to get me, and I have a strong urge to rat on the vehicle commander behind us about shooting lasers at us and trying to blow us up on the road.  At that point, I wake up and realize that I overslept, but still had just enough time to get some food to go and make it to work!  Good thing that I had that jarring dream - or nightmare - to pull me out of bed!

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